A lay guide
The body is designed to maintain an adequate supply of oxygen to all its organs. When this supply is reduced or cut off, this can lead to short-term damage, or long-term disease. The Tennant group is interested in the metabolic consequences of low oxygen (hypoxia), as by inhibiting or stopping these with novel drugs, we may be able to successfully treat these diseases.
One disease in which hypoxia plays a very important role in cancer. Cells within tumours that are exposed to hypoxia form some of the most aggressive cancer cells, and are difficult to treat. We are trying to understand how this occurs, and whether by targeting the metabolism of the cells in hypoxia, we can improve patient treatments, and therefore extend survival.
Coverage from funders and the media
Dr. Tennant's research into brain tumour energy metabolism, which is funded by The Brain Tumour Charity, is highlighted on their website - links to a question and answer session (link) and an article discussing the research project (link), as well as a video with Dan discussing this research is on YouTube.
Our research into how multiple myeloma develops, which is funded by the UK charity Bloodwise, has been highlighted as one of their highlights of 2016 (link). We have also done a video for Bloodwise, which can be found here. Our latest article also gained some media attention, including the website Myeloma Research News (link) and the Clinical Research Society (link).